Uncertainty is part of life

As if you didn’t know that already. Just a reminder.
Events happen we could not have predicted, and we have to deal with them.
A deer jumps across the road into the front end of your car and totals the car, one of your children (or spouse) has an appendicitis attack and has to go to the Emergency Room, a neighbor’s tree falls on your roof and they claim it’s your problem, you fall and break your wrist, ulna and radius bones, your credit card gets hacked.

You can sure add to the list, right?

Ah, then friends come along to help.

Drive you places, vacuum your house, sit with you at the ER, call you, come to visit you, take care of your pets, give you money.
Take you with them to a concert.

Indeed, uncertainty is part of life. Challenges and gifts~

Thank you for reading.

West Beach at Deception Pass State Park sunset July 27, 2024 (c)MDessein

My excellent book available on Amazon paperback and e-book!